Co-President | Eva Smith & Rose Woods

Organize, conduct, and preside at all PTO and Special Meetings. Coordinate the work of the PTO Officers and Committees to ensure objectives are promoted and attained. Maintain communication with the school administration, concerning PTO and school-related issues throughout the school year.

Vice President | Nikki Semanchik

Act as an assistant to the President. Perform the duties of the President in his or her absence. Chair of the Bylaws Committee.

Secretary | Sarah Cerna

Keep an accurate record of the proceedings of all meetings of the Executive Board and Organization. Record all expenditures in the minutes. Prepare a list of all unfinished business for the President. Keep a current list of the PTO Officers and committee chairs; coordinate with Marketing Coordinator to ensure list is available to all Members. Assist the President with correspondence. Serve on the Bylaws Committee. Keep a current signed original set of bylaws and standing rules. Perform other duties as may be delegated to the Secretary.

Reimbursements Treasurer | Wendy Waddell

Keep permanent books of account and records as shall be sufficient to establish the items of gross income, receipts, disbursements, and outstanding liabilities of the PTO. Co-Chair the Budget Committee and prepare the budget for adoption by the PTO. Pay all bills authorized by the PTO. Receive and retain deposit slips and deposit summaries provided by the Deposits Treasurer.Keep an accurate record of receipts and disbursements in a ledger which is a permanent record of the PTO. Present a Treasurer’s report at PTO meetings to include expenditures as they relate to the budget adopted by the PTO. Make an annual financial report to the PTO which includes gross receipts and disbursements for the fiscal year.

Deposits Treasurer | Katie Williams

Receive monies for the PTO, provide a receipt, and deposit into the bank approved by the Executive Board. Receive a copy of the deposit slip for any deposit made. Provide the deposit receipt and deposit summary to the Reimbursement Treasurer, retaining a copy. Keep an accurate record of all deposits. Ensure that deposits are made a minimum of once weekly and more often when needed. Serve as Co-Chair of the Budget Committee.

Auditor | Kirsten Schreuders

Audit the books and financial records of the PTO semi- annually. Prepare mid-year and end of year audits. Audit the books and financial records whenever a new Reimbursements, Deposits Treasurer, or authorized check signer takes office or at any time deemed necessary. Be responsible for verifying in the audit report that all necessary report forms, tax returns, and other forms required by the State and Federal government have been completed and filed by the due date.

Activities and Events Coordinator | Michael Willis

The activities coordinator will be responsible for the enrichment activities provided by the PTO for students, families, and staff. Organize committees and other school groups to coordinate various school enrichment activities, as approved by the administration or the PTO. Coordinate with committees or other school groups to provide refreshments and supplies for school functions throughout the year. Coordinate the set-up and clean-up of enrichment activities.

FUNdraising Coordinator | Natasha Akin

The Fundraising Coordinator is responsible for fundraising activities approved by the PTO, with the exception of any membership drive. Chair the Fundraising Committee. Submit fundraising proposals, including projected revenues and expenses, for all proposed fundraisers for the following fiscal year to the executive board and budget committee. Coordinate with Chairs of each fundraising event to ensure accurate records of all funds raised and money spent for each fundraising event and make such records available at the PTO Meeting following the conclusion of each event. Coordinate with the Reimbursement Treasurer to ensure the proper reimbursement for all fundraising events. Coordinate with the Deposits Treasurer to ensure the proper collection and depositing of all money raised for fundraising events. Coordinate with Chairs of each fundraising source to organize committees and facilitate school fundraising events approved by the PTO.

Infrastructure Coordinator | Karrie Schoettler

The Infrastructure Coordinator is responsible for all facets of any capital improvements or asset/equipment purchase. Work with school administration and parents/guardians to determine any current and future infrastructure projects, capital improvement, or asset/equipment purchase needs or desires and communicate those needs or desires to the Executive Board. Create budget of any desired project or purchase for submission to the Executive Board and Budget Committee for consideration. Manage any school infrastructure, capital improvement projects, or asset/equipment purchase approved by the PTO to ensure all such projects are completed on time and within budget. Organize committees to execute approved projects. Coordinate with the Disbursements Treasurer to ensure the proper reimbursements for all approved projects.

Marketing Coordinator | Katie Williams

The Marketing Coordinator is responsible for the proper dissemination of all communication between the PTO, Members, non-member parents/guardians, and school staff. Maintain the PTO Website and other means of electronic communication. Send out notices of PTO meetings to the Members. Responsible for all teacher, staff, and members goodwill and hospitality programs and events. Assist Activities Coordinator and Fundraising Coordinator in advertising activities and events to the greater school community. Coordinate Room Parent Liaison to ensure information disseminated to Parents.

Membership Coordinator | Megan Taormina

Responsible for coordinating ongoing membership enrollment and membership pledge drive. Maintain current and accurate record of all Members for the purpose of proper voting at PTO or Annual or Special meetings. Maintain record of the contact information of all Members for the purpose of disseminating notices and provide information as needed to Marketing Coordinator. Act as the liaison between non-member parents/guardians, Members, and the Executive Board.

Past President | Becky Launder & Lucelyna Godwin

To support the continuity of the Executive Board and mentor the President, the Past President shares what has been done historically.

Staff Representatives | Shannon Frey and Samantha Luchans

Two representatives from the Green Elementary staff are appointed by the Principal to communicate needs and feedback of the staff. They represent the voice of the staff.

Please refer to the Green PTO Meeting Minutes and Bylaws for further information: